Introduction To Chemical Reaction Engineering and Kinetics

Introduction To Chemical Reaction Engineering and Kinetics
by Ronald W. Missen, Charles A. Mims, Bradley A. Saville
This handbook was written to provide a thorough discussion of the most important topics of interest to engineers and scientists in chemically oriented fields.Introduction to Chemical Reaction Engineering and Kinetics is written primarily for a first course in chemical reaction engineering (CRE) for undergraduate students in chemical engineering. The purpose of the work is to provide students with a thorough introduction to the fundamental aspects of chemical reactor analysis and design.For this purpose, it is necessary to develop a knowledge of chemical kinetics, and therefore the work has been divided into two inter-related parts: chemical kinetics and CRE. The work is primarily based on material given to undergraduate students in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry at the University of Toronto.Chapters 1-8 (sections 8.1-8.4) on chemical kinetics are used for a 40-lecture (3 per week) course in the fall term of the third year of a four-year pro-gram; the lectures are accompanied by weekly 2-hour tutorial (problem-solving) sessions. Chapters on CRE (ll-15,17,18,  and 21) together with particle-transport kinetics from section 8.5 are used for a similarly organized course in the spring term. There is more material than can be adequately treated in the two terms. In particular, it is not the practice to deal with all the aspects of  non-ideal flow and multi-phase systems that are described. This approach allows both flexibility in choice of topics from year to year, and material for an elective fourth-year course (in support of our plant design course), drawn primarily from Chapters  9,19,20, and 22-24. At another institution, the use of this material depends on the time available, the requirements of the students, and the interests of the instructor.
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