by Thomas L. Floyd
Electronic Devices (CONVENTIONAL CURRENT VERSION), Ninth Edition, provides a solid foundation in basic analog electronics and a thorough introduction to analog integrated circuits and programmable devices. The text identifies the circuits and components within a system, helping students see how the circuit relates to the overall system function. Full-color photos and illustrations and easy-to-follow worked examples support the text's strong emphasis on real-world application and troubleshooting. Updated throughout, the ninth edition features new Green Tech Applications and a new chapter, "Basic Programming Concepts for Automated Testing."
When studying a particular chapter, study one section until you understand it and only then move on to the next one. Read each section and study the related illustrations carefully; think about the material; work through each example step-by-step, work its Related Problem and check the answer; then answer each question in the Section Checkup, and check your answers. Don’t expect each concept to be completely clear after a single reading; you may have to read the material two or even three times. Once you think that you understand the material, review the chapter summary, key formula list, and key term definitions at the end of the chapter.Take the true/false quiz, the circuit-action quiz, and the self-test. Finally, work the assigned problems at the end of the chapter. Working through these problems is perhaps the most important way to check and reinforce your comprehension of the chapter. By working problems, you acquire an additional level of insight and understanding, and develop logical thinking that reading or classroom lectures alone do not provide.
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