Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications

Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications
by Nouredine Zettili
Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications provides a clear, balanced and modern treatment of the field and is aimed at senior undergraduate and first-year graduate students.The book takes an innovative approach to quantum mechanics by seamlessly combining the ingredients of both a textbook and a problem-solving book.The textbook begins with the origins of quantum physics and then continues with the mathematical tools of quantum mechanics and the postulates of quantum mechanics. The next chapters cover one-dimensional problems, angular momentum, and three-dimensional problems. Subsequent chapters deal with rotations and addition of angular momenta, identical particles, approximation methods for stationary states, time-dependent perturbation theory, and scattering theory. The text contains many worked examples and numerous comprehensive problems with step-by-step solutions designed to help the reader master the machinery of quantum mechanics.

Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications
  • Provides a comprehensive introduction to quantum mechanics, combining both a theoretical and practical approach.
  • Offers an in-depth treatment of the practical mathematical tools of quantum mechanics and how to harness them to master the formalism of the theory.
  • Includes numerous solved examples integrated throughout the text and each chapter concludes with an extensive collection of solved problems.

This text is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students needing a textbook for a comprehensive treatment of quantum mechanics that is backed by an abundance of examples and fully solved, multistep problems. The book may also be useful for researchers needing a quick, practical guide covering the various techniques that are highly useful to manipulate the formalism of quantum mechanics.                                            |EBOOK DOWNLOAD| |Pages 327| |Size 15.5MB|                                                                                                                   DOWNLOAD HERE           

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